Say it: Kamil Wolanski, expert of the National Centre for Driver's Settlement.
The Act on the system of monitoring the road transport of sensitive goods has already entered into full force, sanctions have become applicable. The legislation has introduced significant changes in the transport of articles such as dried tobacco and ethyl alcohol. From September onwards, vehicles transporting sensitive goods will also have to make their location available.
The Act on Transport Monitoring sets out the principles of the system for tracking the transport of so called sensitive goods, as well as indicates responsibility for breach of obligations related to transport control at each stage of the supply chain, i.e.: the consignor, sender, carrier and recipient.
- More and more often we receive information from carriers about inspections carried out by customs and fiscal services. The officers scrupulously check whether the carriers meet the requirements of the Act during transport and whether the type and quantity of the transported cargo agree with the declaration made earlier - explains Kamil Wolański, an expert from the National Centre for Driver's Settlement.
High fines
- Liability for infringements resulting from the Act lies primarily with the cargo recipient. However, they also apply to the road transport operator and the driver who transports the goods concerned. As far as penalties are concerned, if an irregularity is found, the officer may detain the transport in question until the irregularity is remedied. As well as impose a financial sanction, a fine of up to PLN 7.5 thousand per driver and up to PLN 20 thousand per carrier. Both the consignee and the consignor of the cargo can be much more responsible, as their penalty depends on the actual value of the cargo. As far as possible, we can avoid punishment by complying with the provisions that arise directly from the Act. - says Kamil Wolanski.
According to the Act, officers of the Customs and Tax Service, Police, Border Guard and Road Transport Inspection are entitled to carry out inspections.
Mandatory locating systems
According to the amendment of the Minister of Finance, each vehicle transporting the so-called sensitive goods will additionally have to be equipped with a location system, which transfers the location of the vehicle to the National Revenue Administration in real time. If the roadside inspection reveals that the device is missing, switched off or malfunctioning, the transport will be stopped until the situation is clarified. Although financial penalties will be imposed three months after the amendment, controls by the National Revenue Administration will still be able to order the escort of the vehicle, which is not a cheap undertaking.
How to avoid punishment?
Penalties can be avoided by strictly applying the provisions that arise directly from the law. First of all, one should remember to register in the electronic system SENT, which was created by the Ministry of Finance for the purposes of the Act. The system then generates a reference number which should be given to the carrier and the consignee of the delivery. At the time of the inspection, the driver should have a declaration number with him/her in the cabin of the vehicle. Additionally, the carrier and the consignee of the goods are obliged to fill in the transport information system after the execution of the order. However, above all, the type and quantity of cargo carried must match the declaration previously made.